As an automotive data compilation and analysis firm, Vincentric periodically produces comprehensive and insightful reports using the Vincentric Total Cost of Ownership database to help users understand and apply cost of ownership data in their purchasing decisions. To view the most recent industry reports, please click below.
Industry Reports Available for Media Use
Each month Vincentric updates its industry reports and makes this information available to the media for editorial use. To arrange a discussion for media purposes, please call us at (248)-430-4121 or send an e-mail to marketing@vincentric.com.
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Did you know?
- The Vincentric Total Cost of Ownership database dynamically measures eight cost elements for every vehicle in the database, including: depreciation, financing, fees and taxes, fuel, insurance, maintenance, opportunity cost and repairs.
- Each month Vincentric re-compiles its database to take into account current vehicle prices, resale values, fuel costs, finance rates and other economic and market factors to ensure that users have 24/7 online access to the most up-to-date and accurate ownership costs.